8 Tangihua Street provides a modern office campus on the fringe of Britomart in Auckland's CBD.
A comprehensive redesign of the lobby in 2020 enhanced the building’s main entry and lobby with an integrated café. This combined with modern end of trip facilities provides a welcoming experience for occupiers and offers additional amenity for occupiers.
Location-wise, the building is convenient to Britomart Train Station and motorways.
It’s large office floorplates provide businesses with multiple ways to design a tenancy for what will suit their business best.
Precinct has formed a Joint Venture with the tangata whenua of central Tāmaki Makaurau Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to invest in the regeneration of the Te Tōangaroa precinct in the city centre. Precinct’s investment will be in partnership with global private investor, PAG. Ownership of the land will remain with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei with the investment partnership holding a 123 year prepaid ground lease.
Precinct has been appointed as Investment and Property Manager to the Joint Venture, which includes 8 Tangihua Street. Precinct Properties Management Limited is licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008. Precinct Properties Management Limited’s complaint and dispute resolution process can be found here.