Climate-related disclosures

As an employer, long-term owner, manager and developer of real estate, we take an active approach to climate action.

Climate change has a material effect on our business due to the potential impact on property values, insurance costs, and risk management.

As temperatures rise and extreme weather events become more frequent and severe, property faces increased vulnerability to damage from floods, storm events, wildfires, and other natural disasters.

We takes all of this into consideration alongside transition risks and opportunities of climate change when assessing investment risks and making strategic decisions about development and management. 

Understanding and utilising the various ways we can address climate change is crucial for ensuring the long-term sustainability and profitability of our business. 

We look forward to sharing our first Climate Statement detailing our approach to climate-related risks and opportunities in October 2024.

Sustainability Report 2023

Toitu net Carbonzero

We have assessed our carbon emissions since 2020 covering FY17 onwards in line with ISO 14064

Measuring, benchmarking, and improving our carbon emissions across Scope 1, 2, and 3 is essential for understanding the full impact of our operations and identifying areas for meaningful reduction.

Tracking these emissions provides valuable data that guides targeted actions, allowing us to set informed goals, prioritise initiatives, and focus resources where they will have the greatest impact.

We have been using these insights to shape future workstreams to help us mitigate environmental impact effectively, prepare us to align with future regulatory requirements (NZ CS 1, 2 & 3), and meet stakeholder expectations for sustainability leadership.

Our latest reporting