Performance benchmarks.

Being able to measure Precinct's sustainability performance is a key priority.

Over the past few years a number of local and international sustainability certifications and standards have been introduced for the built environment which can be applied to Precinct’s activities.

Toitū carbonzero certified

By partnering with Toitū Envirocare, Precinct has been able to accurately measure our greenhouse gas emissions and put in place strategies to manage and reduce impacts. Precinct is very pleased to have achieved Toitū carbonzero certification. We are offsetting the unavoidable emissions from our operations by allocating high-impact carbon credits from a Gold Standard-certified international project. Toitū carbonzero certification is an internationally recognised programme and demonstrates our commitment to the environment and our business’s sustainability.


The overarching measure Precinct have chosen to use as its core environmental, social and governance (ESG) indices performance benchmark is the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB).

GRESB assessments are guided by what investors and the industry consider to be material issues in the sustainability performance of realestate investments. GRESB is considered the global standard for ESG benchmarking and reporting for real estate.

Precinct achieved a Participation & GRESB Score in 2023 of 86 out of 100.

We are trending ahead of the current GRESB global average of 75 and we are inline with our NZ/AUS peers. The Australia and New Zealand real estate sector continue to lead globally in ESG performance.

Precinct became a member of GRESB in March 2018. We believe that GRESB is the most appropriate external assessment tool for our business to report against annually.

MSCI ESG Ratings

MSCI Ratings aim to measure a company's resilience to long-term, financially relevant ESG risk.

In 2023, Precinct received a rating of A (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in MSCI ESG Ratings assessment.

Green Star

Green Star is an internationally-recognised rating system for the sustainable design, construction and operation of buildings, fitout and communities. Green Star supports stakeholders in the property and construction sectors to design, construct and operate projects in a more sustainable, efficient and productive way. It provides occupiers with a trusted mark of independent verification to support decision-making.

Precinct uses the New Zealand Green Building Council’s (NZGBC) Green Star building rating tool for assessing the sustainability of buildings. Precinct is a member of the NZGBC. We work in partnership with the NZGBC on a wide range of our business activities with the aim to adopt market-based green building practices.

6 Star Green Star
As-built rating at Mason Bros. building


NABERSNZ is a ratings scheme to measure and rate the energy performance of office buildings in New Zealand. The scheme is based on National Australian Building Environmental Rating System (NABERS) and takes into consideration the climatic conditions in which the building operates, the building size and occupancy, hours of use, the level of services it provides and the energy sources (e.g. electricity and gas) it uses. By comparing a building’s energy performance data against NABERSNZ benchmark data, a star rating is calculated that reflects the building’s performance and enables robust comparison with other

Precinct uses NABERSNZ as a key tool for rating the energy efficiency of its office buildings. It is an independent tool, backed by the New Zealand Government. NABERSNZ allows buildings to be rated and then re-rated, resulting in improvements in their energy efficiency from year to year.