Recognising Precinct’s influence on health and safety across the business and wider industry.

Health and safety is one of our core corporate values and is principally about looking after people and ensuring all workers go home healthy and safe.

We believe in health and safety being embedded into all parts of our business and it being everybody's responsibility to improve practices throughout the industry.

We are committed to promoting an engaged and positive health and safety culture throughout the supply chain. This is achieved through robust practices and policies, active principal monitoring and engaging with workers at the work face which includes principal led health and safety awards and wellness initiatives.
Anne Urlwin
Precinct Chair

Our Health and Safety policy guides our management approach and includes the following requirements:

  • Training - All Precinct management staff receive regular training including external accreditation where relevant to their role.
  • KPI's - All Precinct management staff have health and safety objectives included in their performance reviews.
  • Contractor pre-qualification - Each contractor engaged by Precinct is required to be pre-qualified.
  • Hazard and asbestos registers - Registers identify the observed hazards at each site. These are live registers subject to constant Internal review and are reviewed annually by independent experts.
  • Audit and monitoring - Precinct monitors live sites to ensure oversight of health and safety matters.